Monday, January 3, 2011

It's been a while

Well...I have lived in Idaho for more years than I lived in Arkansas. 20 years ago on the 2nd of January I started my job here in Idaho. Still didn't have a place to live. Belongings in boxes. Car that didn't want to start most mornings.

Now I have had 9 kids, no real job (Pampered Chef is too much fun to call a job), belongings still in boxes and a car that is not wanting to start reliably (should have exchanged the battery in December so I could get more prorate credit).

As someone said at church yesterday as heard on an answering machine..."Please leave a message. I'm making changes in my life and if I don't call you were one of them."

What is the first thing you would like to change about your life?

1 comment:

  1. I would have rented in Minnesota or bought a newer smaller house. The monthly fix- it budgets are certainly getting in the way/ taking over my monthly decorating budget!
    plus there is a terrible smell in my house that I can not seem to locate grr!
    Great job on the weight loss.
    I hate loosing weight- I'd rather just gain :) or wait for the millennium haha.
    Love yah Stef!
